Please email your selfies, videos, art, poems.

Remember it must be your own work with a statement re democracy.


HESA Common Campaigns Day

Nelson Mandela Universitys “talking walls” to share your thoughts on democracy by responding to the following:



  1. Democracy means …

28 July – 15 Aug

  1. What progress has South Africa made since the advent of democracy in 1994?

18 Aug – 12 Sept

SEPTEMBER VAC 8-12 September

  1. What do we need to do to promote democracy in South Africa?

15 Sept – 10 Oct

  1. What is the role of a university in a democratic society?

13 Oct - 31 Oct

  1. How is Nelson Mandela University contributing to the development of a democratic society?

3 Nov – 28 Nov

Prof Heather Nel - Twenty years of democracy:  

Prof Heather NelThe impact of democracy has been freedom for all in every sense of the word.  People are respected and valued as human beings with dignity irrespective of race, gender, class and so forth. We still have a long road to walk in freeing a significant proportion of our citizens from the lasting effects historical inequality and socio-economic impoverishment.  At a personal level, we all need to continue striving for non-racialism and non-sexism in a society that has been marred by our apartheid history. While democracy was symbolically marked by the first free and fair elections in 1994, the journey of on-going personal and societal transformation is continuous and requires that we all continuously reflect on our responsibilities in bringing a better life for all into concrete reality.




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